T: +31 (0)72 5672090 | info@dillenburg.com

Hot- / Cold Therapy

Heat therapy increases blood flow and relaxes muscles. Typical applications for (mud) hot packs are disorders of the neck, shoulders and back, muscle pain, stiffness, joint pain, menstrual pain and spasms. Cold therapy with cold packs is used for the treatment of inflammations, swelling / edema, pain, rheumatic disorders and fever.

Kalt/Warm Kompressen 20x34cm - 1St.

Kalt/Warm Kompressen 12x29cm - 2St.

Stadtholder Moor 18x28cm Wärmekissen Wärmekompresse

Stadtholder Moor 22x40cm - Wärmekissen - Wärmekompresse

Stadtholder Moor Nacken Schulter Wärmekissen Wärmekompresse

+31 (0)72 5672090